As a listener of TATE and a reader of Pitchfork (they both have their bmertis/b!) I was hoping they?d not bother to respond and see pitchfork for who they are. In the midst in your article I found the following line that resonated with me: b.../b
I'm all for a "defend to the death" approach to talking glam/hair metal, or anything else that's important to me, when the situation bmertis/b it. But if the co-workers in your "party" scenario are obviously unlike you (or me) than, b.../b
mertis. artistli diz boyu. suna bak. b?rakt?n m?. yazik aykut yazik. 10 tm e nin firlamalari. hardawayle ben. zukusen war. noluyo orda. kimiz biz. yesilcam abi. More Photos...